Monday, June 11, 2012

Stand Up for Religious Freedom

I wrote previously, with respect to the Obamacare contraception mandate, that it is a violation of religious freedom to require someone who objects to contraception on religious grounds to pay for other people to use it (Liberty and the Pill, March 3, 2012). On Friday I attended Stand Up for Religious Freedom and got to spend a beautiful afternoon in Boston with some folks who agree.

Mother Olga is the founder of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth. According to their website, she “was born and raised in Iraq,” where she “lived through four wars.” She “served the prisoners, homeless, elderly, and handicapped of war for many years.” Presumably, this experience taught her the difference between real victims and those who are merely victims in their own mind because they have to pay for their own birth control pills. Here Mother Olga leads the crowd in “Come, Holy Ghost.”

Raymond Flynn – mayor of Boston (1984-1993) and ambassador to the Vatican (1993-1997): “I’ve been in politics now a little bit more than 50 years and I can’t imagine that in the year 2012 we’d be once again gathered here fighting for our religious freedom.”

Don Feder, former editorial writer for the Boston Herald: “In the 1920s, Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, who coined the phrase ‘the long march through the culture’, concluded that worldwide revolution would never succeed unless religion and the family were first eliminated. That’s why the radical left wants the public schools to indoctrinate your children in its neo-pagan worldview. That’s why it opposes parental consent and notification laws. That’s why it insists that abortion and contraception be publicly funded.”

Couldn’t help wondering why a guy in some sort of police uniform was photographing us from the State House balcony:

MA State House policeman spies on Stand up for Religious Freedom Rally

MA State House policeman spies on Stand up for Religious Freedom Rally

I also had a chance to politely engage the handful of counter-demonstrators across the street. They claimed to represent freedom of religion, but they had a very strange idea of freedom: you’re not free to do something – in this case use contraception – if you have to pay for it. I already refuted that argument when Giuliani used it five years ago (The Giuliani School of Constitutional Law, April 8, 2007).

Learn more about Stand up for Religious Freedom at their website and please support this worthy cause.

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